CV Tech Policies
- Board of Education Legal Status
- Board Vacancies
- Continuing Education for Board Members
- Board Internal Organization
- Board of Education Officers - President
- Board of Education Officers - Vice President
- Board of Education - Treasurer
- Board of Education - Clerk
- Minutes Clerk
- Encumbrance Clerk
- Board Meetings
- Board of Education Notice of Meetings
- Quorum Board Meeting Procedure
- Public Participation in Board Meetings
- Board of Education Executive Officer - Superintendent
- Board-Superintendent Relationship
- Term of Office and Salary of Superintendent
- Evaluation of Superintendent
- Direct Deposit of Payroll
- Management and Investment of Funds
- Public Gifts to the Technology Center
- Annual Statistical/Financial Reports
- Surety Bonds for Superintendent and Financial Officers
- Activity Funds
- Federal Programs
- Federal Program Complaints
- Employee Fundraising
- Employee Fundraising
- Employee Travel Expense Reimbursement
- Auditor
- Purchase and Distribution
- Procurement
- Duplicate Checks
- Safety Drills and Emergency Management
- Campus Safety and the Jeanne Clery Act
- Smoking, Vaping, and the Use of Tobacco Products
- Interference with the Peaceful Conduct of Activities
- Restrictions on Presence of Sex Offenders on School Property
- Transportation Management
- School Transportation Safety Program
- Contagious Health Conditions
- Communicable Diseases
- Substitute Instructors
- Student Interviews and Interrogations
- Custodial and Non-Custodial Parental Rights of Minor Students
- District-Wide Parental Involvement
- Review of Instructional Material
- Distribution of Materials
- Selection of Construction Manager
- Freedom of Expression
- Electronic Record, Contracting, and Signatures
- Medical Marijuana, Hemp, and Cannabidiol (CBD)
- Criminal HIstory Affidavits for Contractors
- Financial Gifts to the Technology Center Under the OEOESA
- Use of Technology Center Facilities
- Alcohol on Campus
- Sale of Technology Center Surplus Property
- Asbestos Inspection
- Buildings and Ground Maintenance
- Use of Buses Other than for Regular Transportation of Students
- Loaning of Technology Center Equipment
- Inventories
- Intellectual Property
- Use of Security Cameras
- Use of Multiple Occupancy Restrooms and Changing Areas
- Film Production & Photography
- Drug and Alcohol-Free Workplace
- Testing Employees and Applicants for Employment (Other than Bus Drivers) with Regard to the Use of Alcohol and Illegal Chemical Substances
- Abuse, Neglect, Exploitation, and Trafficking
- Workers' Compensation
- Hiring
- Criminal Record Searches
- Assault and Battery Involving Technology Center Employees
- Leave
- Telework During Extended School Closure or for Intermittent Use
- Sick Leave Sharing Program
- Family and Medical Leave
- Fair Labor Standards Act Compliance
- Professional Credentials
- Professional Conduct by Staff
- Employment of Relatives
- Employment References - Release of Information Regarding Employees
- Campaign Activities During Regular School Day
- Instructor Presence in the Shop, Lab, or Classroom
- Employee Appearance
- Reporting Threatening Behavior
- Benefits
- Vehicles
- Lactation Policy
- Remote Work Policy
- Student Admissions Policy and Procedures for Full-Time Programs
- Enrollment for Those Convicted of Felonies
- Minor Student Residency
- Physical Restraint of Students with Disabilities
- Seclusion of Students with Disabilities
- Direct Threats
- Edcational Services for Students Under Section 504 and Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act
- Adult Student Behavior
- Secondary Student Behavior
- Secondary Student Suspensions (Out of School)
- Disciplinary Removal of Secondary Students with Disabilities
- Gun-Free Schools Secondary Student Suspension
- Student Bullying
- Hazing
- Student Possession of Dangerous Weapon
- Testing Students with Regards to the Use of Alcohol and Illegal Chemical Substances
- Students, Drugs, and Alcohol
- Student Search and Seizure
- Search and Seizure of Technology Center Property Assigned to Students
- Administration of Medication to Minor Students
- Student Diabetes Care and Management
- Food Allergies
- Tuition and Fees
- Tuition Refund
- Tuition Waivers
- 13th Year Tuition Waiver
- Next Step Tuition Waiver
- Post-Military Education
- Industry Certifications
- Student Grades, Full-Time Programs
- Work-Based Experience
- Live Work
- Leave of Absence
- Suicide Awareness, Training, and Prevention
- Transgender and Non-Binary Student Records
- Student Mental Health Crisis Protocol
- Mental Health Accommodations
- School Hours
- Internet and Technology Safery Pursuant to the Children's Internet Protection Act
- Acceptable Use of Internet and Electronic and Digital Communication Devices
- Personal Wireless Devices and Electronic Accounts
- Acceptable Use of File Sharing Technology
- Social Media and Social Networking
- Technology Center Personnel Digital & Electronic Communications with Students
This policy manual is subject to copyright. No policy contained in this manual can be reproduced outside Canadian Valley Technology Center without the express written consent of Rosenstein, Fist & Ringold.Â