Yukon Triplets sit for a photo at CV Tech’s El Reno Campus

The Rains triplets, of Yukon, are all completing different programs this month at CV Tech’s El Reno Campus. Pictured (from left) are sisters Lacey, Alyssa and Maddy Rains.

English language phrases known as “idioms” often are oddly associated with rain.

“It’s raining cats and dogs.”

“Saving for a rainy day.”

“Rain on someone’s parade.”

“When it rains, it pours.”

The latter idiom is a way of life for one Yukon family. The Rains’ family blessings most often come in threes, and they have poured for 18 years.

Alyssa, Lacey and Maddy Rains are triplets – two identical twins and a fraternal sibling, often referred to in the medical world as “a pair and a spare.” Triplets occur once in every 10,000 or so U.S. pregnancies, according to information supplied by the National Center for Health Statistics.

Yukon High School graduation is scheduled Friday for the sisters. They also will soon complete certifications in different programs at Canadian Valley Technology Center’s El Reno Campus. Each will be featured in the school’s virtual graduation program videos, planned for a May 26 release at cvtech.edu.

Alyssa Rains enrolled in Early Care and Education with a goal of becoming a teacher. She wants to specialize in sign language, because she enjoys helping others.

Lacey Rains will soon finish CV Tech’s Welding program but is unsure if she will pursue industry work or art. Finally, Maddy Rains will soon complete the Digital Media program. She wants to go into the film industry as a cinemaphotographer.

What do parents of three girls think of all of them choosing Career Tech first?

“They’re the ones who asked if they could go,” said Krysta Rains, mother of the triplets. “I treat them individually as each having their own goals and success. They all have their own career paths.”

All plan to attend classes at Oklahoma City Community College next fall. Each will also enroll in a short-term business class at CV Tech’s Cowan Campus. Mom insists they learn a little business sense.

At this point, the sisters’ educational path is going according to plan, or “as right as rain.”


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