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Peyton Stein, Service Careers Hospitality

Peyton Stein has familiarized herself with the hospitality industry.

So many restaurants, hotels, casinos, amusement parks and tourism-related venues exist, she believes she’ll be happily employed for decades.

Stein, a senior at Yukon High School, is also enrolled in the Service Careers Hospitality program at Canadian Valley Technology Center.

Students in the program benefit from on-location visits to area businesses as part of their career preparedness. Cleaning and food prep are among the points of emphasis.

The students experience different work environments, such as restaurants and hotels. They learn what it is like in each environment and are properly prepared for employment.

“My favorite part of working the hospitality shifts is that it’s productive and gives me something fun to do,” she said.

Stein said she plans to work in the hospitality industry so long as she can do so with fun and friendly co-workers.


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