Pink perrenials are featured in a photo promoting the CV Tech Plant Sale.

Begonias are among several varieties for sale at the annual CV Tech Plant sale, April 5 at the El Reno Campus.

EL RENO – The annual spring greenhouse sale returns April 5 at Canadian Valley Technology Center’s El Reno Campus, 6505 E. Hwy. 66.

The greenhouse is located on the east side of the campus on the first entry road. Parking is provided north of the greenhouse. Hours are 8:30 a.m. to 4 p.m., including the lunch hour.

Students enrolled in the school’s Service Careers-Building and Grounds program planted cuttings and plugs of over fifty varieties of annuals, perennials, combo baskets, herbs, foliage and vegetables.

All plants are grown inside the school’s climate-controlled greenhouse. Horticulture is key component within the Building and Grounds program. All proceeds from the sale will support activities associated with the student organization SkillsUSA.

Prices are just $2 for Celebrity and Roma tomato plants, jalapeno plants, Blue Arrow and Twisted Arrow perennials and Verbena annuals. Begonias, Impatiens, Marigolds and Vincas are $3 per six-pack. Several dozen other plant varieties are for sale.


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