Canadian Valley Technology Center

Board of Education Policy

Section: 2- School Board Operations

Adopted: 2/9/2021


Board of Education Legal Status

The board of education is comprised of five (5) members elected by a vote of the technology center. The board of education derives its authority from state law. The board’s power is judicial and legislative, and the superintendent selected by the board serves as its chief executive officer. When not in legal session, a board member has no legal authority whatsoever – except as may be conferred by the board of education. The legislative function of the board is to make plans and policies, select the superintendent and delegate to him or her the responsibility to place plans and policies into operation, and provide the financial means for their achievement as more fully detailed in board policies. The judicial function of the board is to hear and resolve hearings, grievances, disciplinary appeals, public complaints, and other actions of a judicial nature.

Reference: OKLA. STAT. tit. 70 § 5-107A