Afton Jameson

Canadian Valley Technology Center’s Digital Media Technology instructor Afton Jameson was one of six finalists for the 2018 Oklahoma Association of Career and Technology Education Teacher (ACTE) of the Year award.

Jameson, 37, of Geary, was selected as the top teacher in her division, Business, Marketing and Information Technology Education (BMITE). She is entering her 14th year as an educator at CV Tech.

This year’s Teacher of the Year, Mike Lindley, is a Biomedical Sciences instructor at Wes Watkins Technology Center. He was awarded a $10,000 cash prize, courtesy of Express Employment Professionals.

The Oklahoma ACTE awards program seeks to promote excellence in CareerTech education by recognizing individuals who have made extraordinary contributions to the field, programs that exemplify the highest standards and organizations that have conducted activities to promote and expand CareerTech education programs.

Jameson, who teaches Digital Media Technology at CV Tech’s El Reno Campus, said her division consists of amazing teachers that are willing to help and share to make each teacher successful, which in turn, makes students successful.


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