Cowan Campus

Project SEARCH ® provides employment and educational opportunities for post-secondary technology center students with disabilities. This nine-month, non-paid internship program is designed to prepare students for entry-level employment through training and careerdevelopment. Emphasis is on employability skills and the desire to work.

The Project SEARCH “classroom” is in a business setting provided by INTEGRIS Hospital. Students’ immersion in the workplace encourages teaching and learning to take place through continuous feedback and acquisition of work skills. This program is made possible through a partnership of INTEGRIS Canadian Valley Hospital in Yukon, Canadian Valley Technology Center El Reno Campus, and a variety of support agencies.

Note: This is an adult only program.

Qualifications and Requirements

  • One-year successful attendance at career tech or work-study during high school

  • Preference given to prior CV Tech students

  • Active Department of Rehabilitation Services case file

  • Basic math, reading, and communication skills

  • Employee Health Screening including a drug screen, two Tuberculosis tests, current COVID vaccination, and any other tests requested by INTEGRIS Employee Health Department

Project SEARCH

Possible Course/Rotations


NursingPatient Materials
DietaryBuilding Maintenance Services
Speciality ClinicEnvironmental Services
Materials/WarehouseWomen’s Center
AdmissionsMail Room
Physical TherapyMedical Records
Total Clock Hours1137

High School Students


Adult Students

Full-time Only 

Approximate Completion Time: 1 year

Cowan Campus 
Hours: Monday – Friday | 8:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.

Kari Stomprud
Special Needs Coordinator

Jill Scott
Project SEARCH Instructor

Program Curriculum

Project SEARCH ® provides employment and educational opportunities for high school seniors or post-secondary technology center students with disabilities.