Aviation Structural Technician

High School Student Program

The Aviation Structural Technician program is composed of training and course work that prepares students for a career as an Aviation Structural Technician.  This program provides students with broad and varied experience in aviation science and theory related to aircraft shop practice, maintenance, and repair. Students are prepared for a career as aircraft structural technicians and support personnel. Topics include flight line and shop safety, aircraft structures, metals, hand tools, and measuring devices, aircraft riveting, hardware, technical drawings, forming processes, structural repair, and corrosion control.

Aviation Maintenance, OCAS 9879/9880

Applied Sciences of Aircraft Maintenance180 
Basic Electricity180 
Regulations, Maintenance Forms, Records, and Publications50 
Ground Operations and Servicing40 
Aircraft Materials, Hardware, & Processes60 
Human Factors50 
Metallic Structures280 
Inspection Concepts and Techniques40 
Employment Readiness30 
Total Clock Hours960 

Looking for the Adult Aviation Maintenance Technichian Program?

Go To AMT Program

Completion of this course may lead to advanced standing in the Adult Aviation program at CV Tech.

High School Students

Attend either AM or PM schedule


Adult Students



Kristi Stephens



  • Aviation Structural Technician

Aviation Structural Technician

High School Student Program

The Aviation Structural Technician program is composed of training and course work that prepares students for a career as an Aviation Structural Technician.
Required: safety glasses, closed-toe shoes, long pants.

Who can apply? Current sophomores and juniors who can attend the El Reno Campus

405-422-2252 | kstephens@cvtech.edu

Aviation Maintenance Technician

Looking for the Adult Aviation Maintenance Technichian Program?

Go To AMT Program

  • Aviation Maintenance Technician

Aviation Structural Technician


Note: This is an adult-only program available at both the Chickasha and Cowan campuses.

The Aviation Structural Technician program is composed of training and course work that prepares students for a career as an Aviation Structural Technician.
Required: safety glasses, closed-toe shoes, long pants.

Who can apply? Current sophomores and juniors who can attend the El Reno Campus

405-422-2252 |

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Looking for the Adult Aviation Maintenance Technichian Program?

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