All full-time programs are for High School or Adult students unless noted. High school-only programs are noted with (HS). Adult-only programs are noted with (A).

You can also use the filter below to sort the programs.

All full-time programs are for High School and Adult students unless noted.

High school-only programs are noted with (HS). Adult-only programs are noted with (A). 

Other adult programs are noted with (O). You can also use the filter above to sort the programs.

An Accounting Business Management graduate examines information

Accounting & Business Management

Campus: Cowan (Yukon) | Chickasha

adult education class with lady raising hand

Adult Education

Campus: Cowan (Yukon) | El Reno


auto collision technology student uses grinder on car panel

Auto Collision Technology

Campus: El Reno | Chickasha

auto service technology adult student examines the underside of a car with a light

Auto Service Technology

Campus: El Reno | Chickasha

aviation maintenance female student opens the engine cover of a single-prop aircraft

Aviation Maintenance Technician Structural

Campus: El Reno


Aviation Maintenance technician examines an aircraft engine

Aviation Maintenance Technology

Campus: El Reno


firefighter simulates CPR on fabric body.

Basic Firefighter



Three biomedical sciences students smile in their lab coats

Biomedical Sciences

Campus: Cowan (Yukon)


A police academy student practices self defense tactics with a trainer

BPOC Basic Peace Officer

Campus: El Reno
