CV Tech staff and officials from Flogistix pose for a photo

CV Tech has chosen neighboring company, Flogistix, as its 2023 Partner in Progress. Leadership from both entities met recently for an awards presentation courtesy of Oklahoma Association of Career and Technology Education. Pictured (back row, left to right) is Assistant BIS Director Scott Smith, Flogistix Production Manager Chris Hernandez, Flogistix CFO Jim Merrill, Flogistix VP of Manufacturing Kevin Pollard, Oklahoma Rep. Dick Lowe and Cowan Campus Director Joe Meziere. Pictured (front row, left to right) is El Reno Campus Director Jennie Croslin, Marketing Director Kathy Knox, Flogistix VP of HR Allison Goodman, Flogistix VP of ESG and PR Krisin Hincke, Flogistix Director of Manufacturing Sean Ingram, Superintendent Dr. Gayla Lutts, BIS Director Angela Lewis and BIS Coordinator Tosia Maples.

Canadian Valley Technology Center’s Business and Industry Services division staff recently initiated a business-to-business relationship with an Oklahoma-based company which moved in across the street.

CV Tech staff has provided customized training for Flogistix employees, who in turn provided CV Tech students with a road safety recognition day last fall.

The two entities recently celebrated their mutually beneficial association as CV Tech leadership recognized Flogistix as its 2023 Partner in Progress. The statewide program is an annual recognition of industry partners who work one-on-one with technology centers.

Awards are presented in conjunction with the Oklahoma Association of Career and Technology Education, which is professional association for the state’s CareerTech administrators, teachers and staff. Among attendees were Oklahoma legislators and leadership from the recognized companies and from technology centers.

CV Tech’s training team routinely travels throughout a 1,500 square-mile district area of central Oklahoma to help companies, often by way of customized industry training.

Last summer, Flogistix expanded operations into the former El Reno Halliburton facility, which closed in late 2019. The site is located three miles east of town, along Historic Route 66 and across from CV Tech’s El Reno Campus.

Flogistix is a maker of vapor recovery units for the oil and gas industry. The company’s technology reduces methane emissions that would have otherwise been burned or released. This so-called fugitive gas is instead captured and sold, resulting in increased revenue for the company’s producer partners and reduced greenhouse gas emissions.

Among the company’s primary goals is responsible fossil fuel recovery. Vapor recovery units are manufactured at the 259,000 square foot El Reno complex.

CV Tech staff has been helping acclimate Flogistix employees to the El Reno community through onboarding and training and testing in 3G (vertical) and 6G (overhead) welding.

“We are fortunate to have a partner like Flogistix expanding into central Oklahoma and providing high-quality jobs,” said Angela Lewis, CV Tech Director of Business and Industry Services. “Canadian Valley is honored to work with Flogistix and to be a part of their story of success.”

Partners for Progress award recipients represent industries statewide, including manufacturing, law enforcement, healthcare, energy, transportation and trucking, food processing, higher education and municipal and tribal governments. More than 6,500 companies are served each year by staff at technology centers statewide.

Mims Talton, Flogistix President and CEO, said increasing demand for vapor recovery units necessitated expansion.

“Our success would not be possible without the assistance of dedicated partners. CV Tech is one of those partners,” Talton said. “The school’s close proximity to our new facility made this location very appealing to us and having the resources the school provides literally across the street has proven to be a game-changer.

“CV Tech has not only welcomed Flogistix with open arms but has been instrumental in helping us acclimate to the El Reno community and staff our new facility. Without their help, it would have been very difficult to hire qualified welders, which we need in abundance. The support we have received from them has been critical in helping our El Reno Manufacturing branch launch and thrive. CV Tech has been a true partner to us, and we look forward to working together in the future.”

Flogistix operates vapor recovery units in nearly every major U.S. shale play and basin, which are large-scale geologic depressions containing natural resources. The company operates 14 regional offices and warehouses across seven states and has more than 400 employees. The company’s website is


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