Canadian Valley Technology Center is the primary sponsor for The Canadian Valley Center for Workforce Excellence, one of nine Centers across the State of Oklahoma.
A Center for Workforce Excellence (CWE) represents a local, industry-based workforce model that can be used to help existing businesses find workers and attract new industry to Oklahoma.
The local CWE, working with its local advisory team of business leaders and resource providers, connects workers to training and then on to high-wage/high-demand local careers.  The CWE serves existing and prospective employers’ workforce needs by coordinating and connecting resources and services to where they are most needed. The program has brought together groups from across the state to work hand-in-hand with business leaders, public education, higher education, economic developers, state agencies and CareerTech to break down barriers and build easy-to-navigate career pathways for workers and a pipeline of great employees for companies.
The Canadian Valley Workforce Center of Excellence has identified three (3) key industries that drive the economy of the region: – Healthcare – Manufacturing – EnergyWe recognize that an educated and skilled workforce helps individuals, families, employers, communities, the state and our nation. We want to ensure all Canadian Valley Technology Center Advisory Committee members and each stakeholder within our region feels a sense of purpose, pride and a unified effort to bring practical solutions to connecting workers to jobs.
We are committed to facilitate lifetime learning for each individual, enabling our employers to have the talent pool needed to increase the standard of living for all. This will require all stakeholders within our region to work together, beginning with our Advisory Committee. We must:- GOAL 1: Understand the needs of our employers and provide the opportunities for skill development and work-based learning experiences in real-world work situations to employees and prospective employees;
- GOAL 2: Continue to grow leadership opportunities for individuals within our region that teach problem-solving, critical thinking and decision-making skills;
- GOAL 3: Embrace emerging technology without losing sight of the fundamental skills essential for a modern society to function;
- GOAL 4: Pursue new and unfamiliar people groups and possible workforce pipelines, respecting the values and beliefs of each individual and culture;
- GOAL 5: Identify and deal with potential barriers to workforce development, career advancement and engagement with companies to build outstanding worker pipelines and
- GOAL 6: Identify and share with each partner and Advisory Committee member those things needed to enhance skills and build up the talent pipeline for our employers.
We will continue to monitor currently available data in order to positively impact our sub-goals. By increasing the number of our residents who have outstanding career ladders with employers in our region, we will increase the quality of life for all.