CV Tech Graduate Getting a ‘Grip’ on Movie-Making Industry
Modern movie making has long dispatched with traditional directors’ cue words “lights, camera, action” in favor of a lengthier pre-action checklist. Nevertheless, set lighting remains critical, as does camera rigging

CV Tech Graduate Goes to Washington
Karla Monjaraz barely could contain her excitement on the heels of beginning an internship in the Congressional office of Sen. James Lankford (R-Oklahoma). She started on Monday. Monjaraz, 19, of

CV Tech, Area Schools Partner to Meet New Education Requirements
Oklahoma public schools are in the midst of an intensified re-focus on students’ careers after graduation. The Individual Career Academic Plan, or ICAP, was championed by the state Department of

CV Tech Adds EKG Tech Curriculum for High School Students, Monitor Tech Course for Adults
YUKON – Angela Siegrist believes the new electrocardiogram curriculum at Canadian Valley Technology Center is a potential game-changer for students seeking to enter the health care industry. Siegrist recently completed

CV Tech Hosts VEX Robotics State Qualifier Saturday at YMS
YUKON – Nearly three dozen middle school and high school robotics teams will converge upon the Yukon Middle School Campus on Saturday, Jan. 11, for the Third Annual Red Dirt

CV Tech’s Porter, Lowe Recipients of National Awards
ANAHEIM, Calif. – Two Canadian Valley Technology Center staff have received national awards at the recent annual CareerTech Vision Conference. The awards are presented by the Association of Career and

Career Fair To Follow Rapid Response Event at CV Tech
EL RENO – Due to overwhelming response at the recent Rapid Response Event held for former Halliburton employees at Canadian Valley Technology Center, a subsequent career fair is now planned

CV Tech Prepared Brothers for Rigors of College Engineering
Jordan and Jonathan McKee have heard comparisons between them all their lives. Some correlations caused dissention or even quarrels as they aged. Ultimately, they began appreciating their similarities, and the

Student’s Design Chosen for Statewide Leadership T-shirt
CHICKASHA – For the second consecutive year, the T-shirt design for a statewide leadership group was submitted by a Canadian Valley Technology Center student. Savannah Threadgill, 20, of Chickasha, is