Businesses Finding Pipeline of Employees Through Registered Apprenticeships: Yukon’s Vacca Coffeehouse Among Participating Establishments
A growing number of area businesses are participating in a nationally recognized program to benefit students. Apprenticeships help ease the transition from school to a career by enabling students to

Class A CDL Training Offered at CV Tech’s El Reno Campus
Alexander Winton was overwhelmed when he received nearly two dozen orders for a single-cylinder, 10-horsepower motor carriage he designed and built in 1897. An ad he placed in Scientific American

CV Tech Graduate’s Servant Attitude Extends Beyond Mayoral Title
In its infancy, the city of Elgin had a full-blown identity crisis. In fact, the town had a post office but no name for months in 1902. One of its

CV Tech Aviation Maintenance Grad Loves to Make Things Fly … And it Shows!
A grade-school fascination with model airplanes fueled a lifelong passion for Jason Timm. He rescued a model plane from the garbage and soldered and spliced the craft back to flight-ready

CV Tech Instructor Lured Into Construction Career
Michael Graham admits to being a rebel. His dad and a couple uncles each had careers in the construction industry. Graham mapped out an entirely different path for himself that

Longtime CV Tech Supporter, Reed-Johnston, Inducted into Career Tech Hall of Fame
Velta Reed-Johnston is an education idol. Reed-Johnston, 83, of Yukon, was the state’s first female superintendent within the Career Tech system in 1984. Recently, she added another honor with induction

Beesley Honored for Supporting Oklahoman Small Business Owners
Emily Beesley makes a living helping small business owners make a living. She is among more than two dozen advisors statewide for the Small Business Development Center (SBDC) whose mission