CV Tech Graduate Making 3D-Printed Hospital-Quality Masks, Face Shields
In the shadows, void of limelight, lurks a small band of unsung heroes in the fight against coronavirus. Sydni Schneberger, 21, of Minco, is among them. She is a 2017

CV Tech HOSA Students Rake in Statewide Medals
State-mandated limits on gatherings resulted in a cancellation of the planned Future Health Professionals State Leadership Conference. Nevertheless, the annual statewide HOSA contest was held online. HOSA (formerly Health Occupations

CV Tech Wins Third Straight Robotics State Championship
The term perennial powerhouse historically applies to athletics. High school students enrolled in Pre-Engineering at Canadian Valley Technology Center would argue against tradition when hoisting hardware hauled in from multiple

Business Owners Urged to Consider New Federal Loans
Small business owners impacted by the mandatory shutdown during the Covid-19 could benefit from the recent coronavirus relief bill known as the CARES Act. There are two key small-business relief

CV Tech Greenhouse Sale Canceled
EL RENO – The annual spring greenhouse sale planned this week at Canadian Valley Technology Center’s El Reno Campus has been canceled. All public schools statewide are closed, due to

Students Resume Classes Monday in Exclusive Online Learning Environment
It is unlikely Richard Rogers and Oscar Hanmmerstein had social distancing in mind when they penned the stanza of the adopted state song referring to sitting alone, talking and bird

Davis Challenges Graphic Design Students, Enjoys the Journey Each One Takes
Competition for eyeballs exists at every turn. Might be a clever billboard or a colorful bus wrap. Could be a catchy logo or the symmetry of a beloved sports team’s

Verser Named NTHS Advisor of the Month
Canadian Valley Technology Center instructor Andrea Verser is recipient of the National Technical Honor Society’s Advisor of the Month award for March 2020. Verser, 37, of Chickasha, is an instructional

CV Tech Graduate Using Business Office Certification to Work Through College
CHICKASHA – In less than three months, Kyla Patterson will proudly add the words “college graduate” to her social media profile. She will join roughly 28,000 others who will receive