ir Evac Helicopter sits on the grounds at CV Tech

Students from three CV Tech programs benefitted from a visit by the Air Evan Lifeteam 131. They were given an up-close review of the helicopter’s capability to airlift emergency patients quickly and efficiently.

Students enrolled in multiple programs at Canadian Valley Technology Center benefitted from a visit this week by the Kingfisher-based Air Evac Lifeteam 131.

The Bell 206 emergency airlift helicopter landed on the north side of the school’s El Reno Campus. Aviation Maintenance Technology students were given a look “under the hood” of the turbine Engine, Allison 250 aircraft.

The on-board team also described the cockpit controls and the rotor system. Helicopter safety was stressed, such as how pilots choose a landing zone and how to approach a helicopter. Students were warned never to walk behind a helicopter because of the large and dangerous tail rotor, which revolves in a vertical motion – opposite of the horizontal main rotors.

Criminal Justice students also visited the helicopter and learned about the speed necessary to safely secure and transport victims during emergencies. Even children enrolled in the school’s on-site childcare center were accompanied by students in CV Tech’s Early Care and Education program for a “touch the chopper” opportunity.

Air Evac Lifeteam is committed to providing increased access to emergency trauma care to people in rural areas. Patient recovery often depends on the amount of time it takes to transport patients to medical facilities. Roughly 90 percent of Air Evac’s patient transports originate from a rural area. That is why more than 90 percent of the company’s aircraft are based in rural areas.


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